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3 easy ways to optimise your website for mobile

Take a moment to observe people in public.

One significant observation you will find is the number of people on a bus, eating at a cafe and walking around that are using a Smartphone to communicate and find information

The convenience for people to have a smartphone on-hand makes life that much easier. 

This also means when they need to find a service they will use there smartphone to search and find a service.

The question is, does your website display and get found easily on a smartphone?

Did you know approximately 59% of customers find the information they need through a smartphone?*

Customer research has found that

  • 67% of customers visiting a mobile friendly site will make them more likely to buy a product or service
  • 61% of customers not seeing what they are looking for in a mobile site will quickly move on to anothe site

*Source: Google, 2018

So how do you get a mobile friendly site?

Its important to understand there isn’t one standard or screen size to design for with the various mobile phones, tablets, mobile-tablets, laptops and desktops.

So to allow for all of these you need to have a a website system the enables mobile friendly website design where the content and screen layout is optimised to the device the viewer is using —easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices

Boombox Marketing provides mobile website design services to transform and optimise your website to enable it to be found by customers on there smart phones